Accelerate Success

Dissolve Stress

Practical Wellness Solutions

Marie Matteson

Published Author

Accelerate Success

Dissolve Stress

Practical Wellness Solutions

Marie Matteson

Published Author

I help people understand how to dissolve their stress

Individual Coaching

Insights into recognizing stress and anxiety symptoms and employing quick stress release techniques.

Help recognizing the importance of self-awareness in identifying personal stress triggers and how applying specific, quick interventions can be a powerful tool in managing these individual stressors.

Work & life balance

Strategies from Marie's book One Minute Stress Release. They may be easily integrated into both work and personal life settings. Discuss how dedicating just one minute to stress release techniques can serve as a practical tool for finding balance amidst daily responsibilities and pressures. Marie is your Stresxpert!

Resilience Skill Building

Guidance on practicing the one-minute stress release technique regularly. Illustrate how this practice not only offers immediate relief but also contributes to long-term resilience against stress with measurable results. Encourage the development of a routine that includes this technique, alongside other healthy habits, to build a stronger foundation for coping with challenges.

Individual Coaching

Insights into recognizing stress and anxiety symptoms and employing quick stress release techniques.

Help recognizing the importance of self-awareness in identifying personal stress triggers and how applying specific, quick interventions can be a powerful tool in managing these individual stressors.

Work & life balance

Strategies from Marie's book One Minute Stress Release. They may be easily integrated into both work and personal life settings. Discuss how dedicating just one minute to stress release techniques can serve as a practical tool for finding balance amidst daily responsibilities and pressures. Marie is your Stresxpert!

Resilience Skill Building

Guidance on practicing the one-minute stress release technique regularly. Illustrate how this practice not only offers immediate relief but also contributes to long-term resilience against stress with measurable results. Encourage the development of a routine that includes this technique, alongside other healthy habits, to build a stronger foundation for coping with challenges.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...


You think about the fact that it's time for a change your life but you don't know where to begin.

It indicates you have an awareness that the status quo is no longer satisfying, but there's uncertainty about how to initiate a change and follow a successful path.


You understand that you deserve more than you have now.

This reflects self-awareness and self-esteem, recognizing that your current circumstances or achievements might not fully reflect your potential. It speaks to the desire for self-improvement and the pursuit of goals that align more closely with your aspirations and worth.


You want to live the way you want!

You have a strong yearning for independence and the ability to make life choices that truly reflect your values and desires. It's about seeking a life where decisions are not solely dictated by external pressures or expectations but are instead guided by personal preferences and fulfillment.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!

Get your Guide to 50 Stress Busting Tips Here!

Working together for your better life!

Start with a mini course join the 4 week

"Joining the 4-week program with Marie for a better life offers numerous benefits, including personalized guidance towards achieving greater work-life balance, enhancing self-awareness, and building resilience. Participants can expect to learn practical stress management techniques, set and pursue meaningful personal and professional goals, and develop strategies for living a more balanced and fulfilling life. This program is designed to empower individuals to make positive changes, improve their mental and emotional well-being, and lead a life aligned with their values and aspirations. Truly, a life worth living is a life worth working for."

What I live for

Working with Clients

Marie's passion lies in helping individuals manage and overcome stress and anxiety effectively. She is focused on providing quick, practical solutions for stress release and building resilience, aiming to enhance personal and professional well-being. Her approach is holistic, emphasizing not just immediate relief from stress but also long-term strategies for achieving success and maintaining mental health.

Her dedication is reflected in her goal of creating programs, workshops, and memberships that offer transformative experiences for individuals looking to improve their lives through better stress management and resilience skills.

Marie conducted a double blind study in 2010. She was able to prove that One minute stress release lowers pulse and blood pressure. She wrote a book about it.

Published Books

Marie has penned three transformative books, including "One Minute Stress Release." Experience Instant Stress Relief with Scientifically Proven Techniques. Tailored for High-Stress Professions, this method is backed by years of collaboration with top experts. Instant Relief, Long-term Benefits: Activate neural pathways for lasting health benefits. Conquer Fears and unlock resilience with Marie's simple yet effective approach.

"The Magic of Visualization: A Weekly Manifestation Coloring Book."
Embark on a transformative journey with 52 pages of sacred symbols and mesmerizing designs, each accompanied by thought-provoking prompts to ignite your manifestation journey. Journal your reflections and track your progress as you relax and unleash your creativity. Perfect for both adults and adolescent children seeking an outlet for creativity and self-discovery.

Everyone Can: Be Happy ~ A child's

Everyone Can

Calling All parents!

Meet your secret weapon in the battle against emotional storms. Everyone Can learn this quick technique. Written for a child to follow a simple yet effective way to regulate their emotions helps when a parent is at their wit's end! Backed by a double-blind study the Author conducted. Pulse rates drop and you can have peace and a little harmony. Help your kiddo self soothe with this simple, yet measurable technique.

Client Success

1. Stress Reduction: Clients learn quick and effective techniques to manage and reduce stress in both personal and professional settings, leading to immediate relief in stressful situations.

2. Increased Resilience: The program focuses on building resilience, enabling clients to better handle future stressors, bounce back from challenges, and adapt to change more effectively.

3. Improved Mental Health: By managing stress and building resilience, clients can experience significant improvements in their overall mental health, including reduced anxiety and depression symptoms.

4. Enhanced Productivity and Focus: With reduced stress levels, clients are better able to concentrate and perform tasks, leading to improved productivity at work and in personal projects.

5. Better Work-Life Balance: Clients gain strategies to manage work-related stress, helping them achieve a healthier balance between their professional and personal lives.

6. Improved Physical Health: Stress management can lead to better physical health outcomes, such as lower blood pressure, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and improved sleep quality.

7. Stronger Relationships: Learning to manage stress effectively can improve clients' relationships, both professionally and personally, by reducing stress-induced irritability and improving communication skills.

8. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: The program encourages self-reflection and personal growth, helping clients discover new ways to approach challenges and achieve their goals.

These outcomes not only benefit the individual clients but can also have a positive impact on their workplaces, families, and communities by fostering environments of well-being and productivity.

Physical Health Assessment

Basic kinesiology muscle testing for everyday life, family health. Test Foods, supplements and other substances. Use testing methods to determine physical, nutritional, emotional, or body electric meridian causes, and determine corrections. Biofeedback Quantum. Appointments are DUO with Dr. Mystique Grobe, ND

Coaching and Teaching

Learn techniques from Marie's Stress Release book in short Mini courses, webinars or the 4 week intensive coaching program.

Application of the information into actionable steps is Marie's teaching method. Learn more here

4 Week "Stress-Resilience Action Skills Fusion" Course

Combining one-minute stress release techniques with

Emotional Regulation skills create an integrated approach to managing stress and addressing maladaptive behaviors.

This synergistic methods highlight the fusion of quick stress-relief practices with the comprehensive skills taught for effective behavior modification and emotional regulation.

So many short courses in the membership!

Solutions for … Past, present, or future stresses.

Lifetime Stress Clearing.

Fears of ... flying, traveling, water, big city, crowds etc

How do survive the loss of (you fill in the blank) using Stress Release Techniques,

BE 'AWEstruck' lower cortisol levels.


Learn to Open and Close the 3rd eye. Decreases Anxiety Stress, allows for balance,

and increases trust in knowing.

Leaning And Listen

Listen to your intuition - applying all above courses and trust inner guidance.

Become tuned in and Medically Intuitive


Our Client Reviews

"I consulted Marie before I had to qualify. She helped me with the stresses associated with the physical maneuvers required to do my job. Without passing the quarterly qualification, I would have lost my job.


Bill, Police Officer

"I consulted Marie when I had a rash from stress. Not shingles, thankfully. I was a stressed out nurse, in the middle of a pandemic, working in pediatric ICU. Marie listened intently. She gave me peace. She taught me to use her 1 minute technique so I could work my shift and leave the stress behind me. I still use it EVERYDAY! I am forever grateful.


Alyson, RN

Office: 414 Girard Street, Bellingham, WA 98225

1 360-300-5588

Email: Contact us
